Picnic Point Fire & Emergency Procedures

In the event of a fire emergency, phone 000. Emergency evacuation point is the top car park, by the flagpole, Picnic Point Park.


In the event of a fire emergency, phone 000. Please immediately report smoke or fire to Picnic Point management. If safe to do so, isolate fire by closing doors. If safe, Use according to instructions on fire extinguishers/blanket. Fire extinguishers & blankets are located in all kitchens. There are two fire hoses in the building located on the function centre floor one near back car park exit & one by the public toilets near waterfall exit see diagram. Use according to instructions. In the event of an emergency you will be asked to evacuate the building by a Picnic Point fire warden. Emergency evacuation point for staff & customers is the top car park, by the flagpole, Picnic Point Park. Please immediately report smoke or fire to Picnic Point management. Each floor has a fire warden. Fire warden takes roster with employee details, evacuates toilets, public areas, back of house & advises management & staff on other floors of evacuation.


Please immediately report smoke or fire to Picnic Point staff. In the event of a fire emergency, phone 000. Emergency evacuation point is the top car park, by the flagpole, Picnic Point Park. Follow directions of Picnic Point Fire Warden & or remove yourself to evacuation point.